Codekubix- Software Development Company


A Brief Detail About Blazor Existence

The introduction of JavaScript has revolutionized the process of web application development. By leveraging JavaScript, developers can transform static web pages into visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces on search engines. However, when working with .NET, compatibility may be limited compared to the seamless integration offered by Blazor, a framework developed by Microsoft. With the advent of Blazor, the reliance on JavaScript and jQuery diminishes, as it provides a more streamlined and efficient solution within the .NET ecosystem.

Blazor, the fantastic .NET web framework that takes the jQuery fans.

introduction of blazor


                     Suppose, .NET web apps run in the browser without any plugins or coding. Unbelievable, RIGHT?

Blazor is a remarkable front-end framework that is both free and open-source. Developed by Microsoft in 2018, it empowers developers to create dynamic and interactive web user interfaces using a combination of C# and HTML. What sets Blazor apart is its adherence to the latest web standards, eliminating the need for any add-ons or plugins. By leveraging Blazor, developers can expedite the process of building web applications by utilizing familiar tools such as HTML, CSS, and C#. This framework allows for the reuse of components, enabling them to run seamlessly on both the client and server sides. With Blazor, the possibilities for creating efficient and engaging web apps are endless.

web browser
website development
mobile development

Blazor components are hosted in any web browser on Web-Assembly, server-side in ASP.NET Core, or native client apps

Create a beautiful and catch-eye front end that works faster than JavaScript. Blazor’s is a flexible and reusable component model that is simple, declarative, and efficient.

We can use Blazor components in web and in hybrid native apps for mobile & and desktop applications



BLAZOR SERVER  functions as a server-side web application model that utilizes a SignalR connection to deliver a real-time web experience. The SignalR connection manages both client-side and server-side connections, serving as a link between them. When user events occur, the connection remains active, allowing requests to be sent to the SignalR connection on the server to retrieve results, which are then transmitted to the client browser. This streamlined process facilitates quick and efficient data updates.

blazor server
Bazor Server Diagram


  • Versatile Language: With Blazor, developers can build interactive web UIs using C#, a popular and versatile language. This allows for full-stack development using a single language, reducing context switching and improving developer productivity.
  • Component-based: Blazor follows a component-based architecture, where UIs are built using reusable components. This promotes code reusability, maintainability, and scalability, as components can be easily composed and shared across the application.
  • Full .NET Integration: Blazor leverages the power of the .NET ecosystem, allowing developers to use existing .NET libraries, frameworks, and tools. This includes access to the extensive collection of NuGet packages(used in visual studio), as well as integration with popular .NET technologies like Entity Framework and ASP.NET Core.
  • Cross-platform Development: Blazor supports cross-platform development, allowing developers to build web applications that run on different devices and platforms, including desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
  • Strong Community and Support: Blazor benefits from a strong and growing community of developers, with ample documentation, tutorials, and resources available online. Additionally, being developed and supported by Microsoft ensures ongoing updates, improvements, and support.


  • Dependence on Server Availability: Blazor Server applications are dependent on the availability and reliability of the server infrastructure. Any server issues can result in degraded performance for the entire application.
  • Complexity of State Management: Managing state in Blazor Server applications can be more complex compared to client-side Blazor, as developers need to consider factors like server-side state, client-side state, and synchronization between the two. This can lead to increased development complexity and potential issues with state consistency.
  • Increased Server Load: Blazor Server applications require a persistent connection between the client and server, which can increase server load, especially for applications with a large number of concurrent users. This can lead to scalability challenges and increased infrastructure costs.


Web assembly is a client-side web application model that runs in the browser without a permanent connection to the server. Except for that, the application code is downloaded and executed once in the client browser which will help to allow the user to experience the faster and more responsive experience of any application responses.

client-side interface diagram
Blazor Web-Assembly Diagram


  • Near-Native Performance: WebAssembly (WASM) provides near-native performance by executing code at near-native speed in the browser. This allows Blazor WebAssembly applications to deliver fast and smooth user experiences, even for computationally intensive tasks.
  • Offline Support: Blazor WebAssembly applications can work offline since the application code is downloaded and executed in the browser. This is particularly beneficial for progressive web applications (PWAs) and scenarios where users may have limited or intermittent internet connectivity.
  • Security: Blazor WebAssembly applications run within the browser’s sandboxed environment, which provides inherent security benefits. Since the application code is executed on the client side, sensitive data and logic can be kept secure without exposing it to the server.
  • Rapid Development: Blazor WebAssembly supports rapid development workflows with features like hot reloading, which enables developers to see changes in real-time without needing to rebuild the entire application. This can significantly improve development productivity and iteration speed.
  • SEO-friendly: Blazor WebAssembly applications can be made SEO-friendly by implementing server-side prerendering or using techniques like server-side rendering (SSR) for initial page loads.


  • LONGER LOADING TIME AT STARTING: Blazor WebAssembly applications typically have a larger initial download size compared to traditional JavaScript-based applications. This can result in longer load times, especially for users with slower internet connections or on low-powered devices.
  • Compilation Overhead: Blazor WebAssembly applications need to be compiled to WebAssembly bytecode before they can be executed in the browser. This compilation process can introduce overhead during development and deployment, potentially increasing build times and slowing down iteration cycles.
  • Limited Server-side Processing: Since Blazor WebAssembly applications run entirely on the client-side, they may be limited in their ability to perform server-side processing or access server-side resources. This can be a challenge for applications that require intensive server-side computations or access to server-specific functionalities.


Blazor server and web assembly each have their own set of advantages and drawbacks. Both are effective in their respective manners. The decision on which type to use solely relies on the requirements of your project. For instance, if you are developing an application that requires frequent interaction with the backend, opting for Blazor server would be ideal. This is because it keeps the connection with the server intact and eliminates the need to constantly refresh the data following any modifications. Conversely, if you prioritize a swift user experience in your web application with instantaneous responses, then…


Blazor Server and Blazor Web Assembly both offer unique benefits and drawbacks. The decision on which one to utilize should be based on the particular needs and specifications of your project. If you are developing a sizable and intricate web application that demands extensive server-side processing, Blazor Server might be the most suitable choice.

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