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BLAZOR and REACT both are open-source tools used in Visual Studio or any other (IDE) Tool to build interactive Single-page applications (SPA)

 To compare Blazor and React we first need to know what they are, let see both of them in detail.

what is blazor

 What is Blazor

In simple language BLAZOR is a web development framework created by MICROSOFT. It allows Developers to build interactive web Applications using C#, which is a popular programming language. Blazor replace the old JavaScript with itself.

Blazor PWA and Blazor Hybrid editions: The former supports progressive web apps (PWA). The latter is a platform-native framework (as opposed to a web framework) but still renders the user interface using web technologies (e.g. HTML and CSS).


  • C#:- Suppose, you can write the same language for both the client-side as well as server-side with Blazor you can do that by writing your application logic and user interface components using C#
  • Blazor is a component-based:- Blazor follows a component-based architecture, where you build your application as a collection of reusable components. Each component can have its own logic and user interface.
  • Razor Syntax: Blazor uses Razor syntax, which is similar to HTML with embedded C# code. This makes it easy to mix C# code with HTML mark-up to create dynamic web pages.
  • Client-Side and Server-Side Hosting: Blazor supports two hosting models: client-side and server-side. In the client-side model, the application runs directly in the browser using Web Assembly, a binary instruction format. In the server-side model, the application logic runs on the server and communicates with the client using Signal-R, a real-time communication library.
  • Integration with .NET Ecosystem: Since Blazor is built on top of the .NET ecosystem, you can leverage existing libraries, tools, and frameworks from the .NET  community.

 Let’s see a simple code snippet of the Blazor component’s reusability:-

@code {

// Define a variable to store the count

private int count = 0;

// Define a method to increment the count

private void IncrementCount()







    <p>Current count: @count</p>

    <button @onclick=”IncrementCount”>Click me</button>


You can use this Counter component in other Blazor pages or components by simply adding <Counter/> to your markup. Each instance of the Counter component will have its own count state and behavior.


React is a Javascript-based library for building UI Components.  It was launched by FACEBOOK in 2013. Since then it is become a popular  UI library for building highly intuitive interfaces. It is used by many famous companies like PayPal, DropBox, Twitter, and Netflix.

In short, React provides a very powerful framework for building modern, interactive, and scalable applications. its focus on components reusability, performance optimization & developer experience has made it one of the most popular choices for Front-End Development



  1. JSX javascript syntax extension is a combination of javascript and HTML. Is used together to make a code easier to understand and debug. Example = const name = “hello World”; Const info = <h1> This is a {name} </h1>
  2. Virtual DOM manipulation is an important aspect of UI web development to modify the components and perform users’ actions on web development. this process is a little slower as it will update the DOM as well.
  3. One-Way Data-Binding React uses one-way data binding like the data flow in one direction from parent to Child Components.
  4. React divides the interface into the numerous components. Nesting – meaning a component can contain several other sub-components. Render method – this allows you to define how a specific UI component will be rendered in the DOM.Passing properties – enables a component to receive properties from its parent component.
  5. React supports numerous extension that helps in building a complete application. They also enable React to support mobile App development and server-side rendering.
react features
blazor vs react
Blazor is a web framework developed by Microsoft that allows developers to build interactive web UIs using C# and Razor Syntax
React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, it focuses on the view of layers of web applications
It offers both server-side and client-side hosting models
It follows the component-based architecture and its typically used for client-side rendering
Developers use C# and Razor syntax to build components and define UI elements
Developers use JavaScript (JSX) to define components and structure the UI.
Blazor performance can vary on some factors such as server-side or client-side rendering,
React is known for its efficient virtual DOM reconciliation algorithm, which optimizes updates to the UI and minimizes DOM manipulation.
Blazor's ecosystem is still growing. It benefits from integration with the broader .NET ecosystem and Microsoft's developer tools and resources.
React has a mature ecosystem with a vast array of libraries, tools, and third-party integrations available. It has a large and active community, with extensive documentation, tutorials, and resources readily available.
Blazor is easier than the previous frameworks if you know well about .Net and C# it’s just a piece of cake for you.
Developers who know JavaScript very well may find React very interesting to learn. Its components-based- architecture and declarative approach to building UIs can simplify development workflows for many developers.
Blazor is suited well where you need to upgrade your skills in .Net and you need to build an interactive web-application
React is widely used to build single-page applications (SPA). Progressive Web Apps and Mobile apps using a framework like React Native
Blazor offers various approaches to manage-state, including components state, and cascading parameters. It integrates seamlessly with .Net’s rich ecosystem.
React provides a flexible state management solution through its built-in state and props system
Blazor benefits from integration with Visual Studio and other .NET development tools, providing a familiar and robust development environment for .NET developers.
React has a rich ecosystem of development tools, including popular choices like Create React App, React Developer Tools, and a wide range of code editors and IDEs.


In the dynamic era of web development, to choice between Blazor and React represents a critical decision for developers seeking to craft engaging and scalable web applications. As we’ve gone through the comparative analysis of these frameworks, it’s clear that each possesses its distinctive strengths, fostering an enriching debate that extends beyond mere technical specifications. You can choose the framework according to your needs and requirements  or some factors that we compare earlier depend in the selection of the particular framework
blazor vs react

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